July 22, 2002 -- HM -- Mia Log Out | Topics | Search
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Board Administrator
Username: mjm

Post Number: 4427
Registered: 11-1998
Posted on Friday, July 22, 2005 - 12:54 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Honorable Mention

I know you can’t always understand how people just give up
any more than I can explain how the sky presses down on me
until I can’t breathe, can’t for the life of me rise out of that vault
no door and no one to save me, save for this loneliness
which doesn’t argue, which won’t scream, which doesn’t hit
and can’t hurt me in all the places that already hurt.

Sometimes I don’t know what I want--to live or not to live when
I can’t tell the difference anymore. Awake all hours of the night
staring up at the same low-slung ceiling caving in; meanwhile
galaxies swirling in a batter of milky dough too far away
for me to comprehend where the infinite begins and or ends
then, everything I’m supposed to feel feels so insignificant.

Sometimes daylight holds a knife to my throat, tells me to move
move anyway and I do then I walk up and down the Avenue
my steps trotting ahead searching for a friend, the left boot
the missing glove, my face among faces swimming upstream
downtown where thrift shops spread their wild seeds at night
sprouting weeds of discard and discontent forsaking sentiment

The hotel across Main Street no more than a half-way house
where thieves, kings and whores of the usual order come and go
muttering monodies no one understands or makes time to hear
the Christs among them reciting Dante’s Inferno up and down
Sinners Hall in and out of alleys to and fro across the tracks
what do any of us know of saints and sinners?

I have watched the mangy doggerel following its own smell
fortunes found, fortunes lost heirs to millions who cry and leap
chasing the windswept dollar down the gutter, the deutschmark
wheeled off in barrows along narrow escapes of boroughs
falling down in disrepair. I, who have seen empires rise and
crumble the shattered windows twisted up in wrought iron
the bolts, the fire, the blood and graying grief turned to rust

Rabid and savage begging for lead mercy I have gone mad
up and down that single highway San Francisco to San Diego
all the cities’ fences lawns tombstones laid out in precise rows
El Rio, have I been here before? I have been lost and turned around
made my way back again what should have been half an hour
cost me midnight past expired on a train bound for nowhere

Out of city limits, out of cigarettes, a fugitive in the window, ‘was
then I saw the poem of myself staring back at me and I did not care
I did not care whose clothes I wore, I did not care who I might’ve been
I did not care who I might become. I had found freedom was not “yes”
was not “no” was not a raised fist, no longer angry, I turned myself in.

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